Well I just did our reading. the sports taboo was very interesting. i was very surprised how much it made me think about the way sports are played. I never really thought about the different races in sports. like in baseball most of the time there is a white guy pitching and black guys in the out field. why is this i have no idea. but its just the way it is. but you look at a sport like basketball, 80% of the players are black. Yes most black males are taller than white males. this just surprises me that the number that high i would of never thought that 80% of the professional basketball players are black. I didnt agree tho with the whole football view. In my high school we had both a back and white quarterback and running back. our team wasnt set up like that. I dont think professional football is like it as much either. yes there are more white quarterbacks than black but not 80% of quarterbacks are white.
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